Series 4 Episode 4: Sara Motta on feminine lineages, healing justice, and reconnecting to the ancestral Mother


Associate Professor Sara Motta is a proud mestiza salvaje (mes-tiza sal-va-he) of Colombia Chibcha, Polish Jewish and Celtic lineages. Sara is committed to working with communities across territories and lands to co-create knowledges that in process and outcome can contribute to decolonising, dignified, restorative and reparative pathways of well-being and justice.

How do Indigenous communities weave together ancestral feminine lineages? This question is at the heart of Associate Professor Sara Motta’s praxis of transformation and collective liberation. Through a lens of feminised resistance, Sara, a proud mestiza salvaje, shares her healing journey from the wounds of patriarchal capitalist-coloniality, exploring restorative and reparative pathways of well-being and justice.

Sara’s personal website
Geneologies (M)otherwise
Weaving Enfleshed Citizenship (M)otherwise
Voices of el pueblo: the road to the Colombian elections
Decolonising critique in, against and beyond the business school
Decolonising (critical) social theory: Enfleshing post-Covid futurities

Music in this episode includes ‘ZEN’ by All Bets Off, and ‘AERATE’ by Higher Power used under an Audio Standard Licence from Adobe Stock.

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