Access to and through services

I have a strong interest in both access to and access through services, including trust and cultural safety. Previous work in this space has been around Access to services by Chinese people in New Zealand, barriers to help-seeking and problem gambling for Asian people, barriers to cervical cancer screening for women from Mainland China (demographic predictors, factors affecting uptake of cervical cancer screening and whether having more knowledge of cervical cancer increased the uptake of screening in Chinese women. Once upon a time as a clinician, I spent a lot of time both in New Zealand and in Maidstone, Kent in emergency departments with people who were either seeking after-hours mental health care or presenting for the first time in search of mental health services. At Monash University I co-supervised Jessica Crawford’s Honours project, a systematic review to identify the impact of alternative emergency care pathways on ED presentations – specifically GP cooperatives and walk-in clinics. Jessica, Simon Cooper, Robyn Cant and I published this work in International emergency nursing: The impact of walk-in centres and GP co-operatives on emergency department presentations: A systematic review of the literature.

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